This is what happens when you use cash rather than card as much as possible and then every now and again empty all the small bits from the purse into a money box and save them for more than a year.
I’ve been doing this for many years, it started with just 5p pieces, although it was more fun when the bank would change the bags of small coins into notes which I could then go out and spend on a Christmas treat. Now it has to be paid into a bank in case of money laundering. I know it was my money anyway but it always seems like a surprise extra income.
This time there was just over £32 although the £20’s worth of 20p pieces was two years worth. It’s all in the bank now with the odds and ends back in the money box ready to start all over again.
I’ve done the accounts for last year and income was more than expenditure – which is the right way round. I don’t need to be so frugal but it is a way of life and for me means spending less in some places leaving money to spend in other more enjoyable ways. I’ll carry on with frugal notes and ideas and keeping accounts so that I can afford the bigger expenses ……… this year that will be the moving of the old patio slabs and re-laying them by the oil tank and freezer room door and laying new ones near the house plus a family summer holiday.