December 15th -Just Another Winter's Tale


Just Another Winters Tale sung by David Essex is another favourite piece of music although it’s only played on the radio at Christmas and not very often.
It was written in 1982 by Mike Batt and Tim Rice and was released in 1982 and got to #2 in the charts in January 1983.
This is borrowed from wiki  – Mike Batt explaining how it came to be…….
  1.   David Essex rang me late in 1982 – just after my return from Australia, and asked if I could write him a Christmas hit. It was already late October so we didn’t have much time. I was due to be writing with Tim Rice the following day- and was hoping to develop my idea for a musical about the Aztecs…anyway so I told Tim about the David Essex request, and we started thinking of ideas. … we wrote a bit of the chorus and two lines of the verse, and then when Tim had gone home I sat and worked on it, coming up with the finished chorus and the second verse lyrics.

I was a David Essex fan back in the day.

I think he still looks pretty good!

I can’t sing along with this at the moment – too much talking with Rachel-in-Norfolk on Wednesday and yesterday with Pat C, my school friend from way back.
Today I’m at home alone  and will rest my voice all day…… will be very, very quiet…………
Back Tomorrow

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