December 14th – Portmeirion Holly and Ivy


My Portmeirion Holly and Ivy ‘Not a collection’ hasn’t grown since 2020. The first piece was the best bargain and came from a car boot sale way back in the autumn of 2017 for just £2. It wasn’t meant to be the start of a collection!

But then the same year I found another piece- a small dish on a pedestal –  in a charity shop, then the next year a tea-plate from a boot sale and butter knives for a Christmas present. A year later and I found a big centrepiece plate from a boot sale again. Finally in 2020 I spent a few more pounds on a small custard/gravy jug and saucer which were in one of the glass cabinets that charity shops have for their special things.

Since then I’ve not seen another piece for sale at car boot sales or anywhere else – which is probably a Very Good Thing!

Some comments I remember because they seem a bit “off” and I definitely remember someone commenting, when I wrote about the first piece, that having special Christmas china was a “superfluous and unnecessary trend coming from the US”. And of course they used plain white all the time – with Real holly!

I had to smile when the same person (I’m 99% sure it’s the same person) commented elsewhere recently that they were getting their pieces of “T’was the night before Christmas” crockery out of the cupboard.
They probably didn’t bank on me sometimes having a good memory for slightly snarky comments! 
But as it’s Christmas they are forgiven.
Many thanks for comments yesterday about memories of Christmas decorations. Seems we all had something similar.  Apologies for not replying.
Back Tomorrow

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