Charity Shop Finds


After months of finding nothing in charity shops I had some good book finds in Bury St Edmunds when I had a morning  there last week

 Found this for 50p, it’s yet another book that I owned once when there were over 1,000 books on the shelves and regretted getting rid of it later during one of the moves.

And I’ve added to my small Little Toller Books Collection with this for £2.99. Thought I’d not read it but it’s in my ‘Book of Books Read’ from many years ago. Can’t remember anything about it so it will be interesting to read again.

And finally a very unusual find for £2.50 were these – 4 copies of a quarterly publication,  a literary magazine by Slightly Foxed who reprint books from the past and sell other books too. Described on their website………….

Slightly Foxed is the quarterly magazine that introduces its readers to books that are no longer new and fashionable but have lasting appeal. Good-humoured, unpretentious and a bit eccentric, it’s more like a well-read friend than a literary magazine. Every issue of Slightly Foxed includes fiction and non-fiction, books that have stood the test of time and have left their mark on the people who write about them. It’s an eclectic mix, and our contributors are an eclectic bunch too – some well-known, others not so, but all passionate about sharing their enthusiasm for a book or author.

From £56 per year, with subscriber discounts and benefits.

All 80 back issues are available from them for £1,160! and lots are on Amazon for around £4 or on Abebooks for £2 each. My 4 copies at £2.50 were quite a bargain and plenty of interesting reading. Books about books are always good.

Back Tomorrow

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