Chicken Pasta Primavera
One-Pot, Creamy Chicken Pasta Primavera made with lean chicken breast, spring veggies, and a light cream sauce. A delicious, high-protein dinner idea! Chicken Pasta Primavera...
One-Pot, Creamy Chicken Pasta Primavera made with lean chicken breast, spring veggies, and a light cream sauce. A delicious, high-protein dinner idea! Chicken Pasta Primavera...
Tons of flavor in this quick, anti-inflammatory turmeric garlic shrimp dish! The perfect balance of flavors – ready in under 30 minutes. Turmeric Garlic Shrimp...
Grilled Salmon Bruschetta with Avocado is my go-to summer recipe, it’s so easy, fresh and flavorful, a must try! Grilled Salmon Bruschetta Grilling salmon is...
You’ll love this faster and lighter Chicken Marbella. Chicken thighs are cooked on the stove-top with prunes, Spanish olives, capers, garlic and oregano for a...
In this One-Pot Chicken and Orzo recipe, crispy chicken thighs cook right on top of the orzo in a garlicky tomato sauce with basil. It’s...
Baby arugula salad is my go-to when I need a quick side salad recipe for fish, steak, chicken, or pork chops! Arugula Salad This healthy...
This quick and easy recipe for oven-roasted asparagus is the perfect spring side dish. This basic recipe can be seasoned many different ways—add lemon juice, garlic, or...
Skip the bread and enjoy a bowl of this healthy Italian Sub Salad with salami, cold cuts and cheese, which takes the indulgence of an...
This moist Lemon-Coconut Almond Cake is not just a treat for those following a gluten-free or dairy-free diet but a delightful dessert everyone will love....
This easy, 4-ingredient Honey-Mustard Ham recipe is made with honey, Dijon mustard, and a touch of brown sugar on a baked spiral ham. Honey-Mustard Ham...