Simple Honey Dijon Vinaigrette
A combination of simple ingredients including olive oil, apple cider vinegar, honey, and dijon mustard make for a delicious homemade dressing that is perfect on...
A combination of simple ingredients including olive oil, apple cider vinegar, honey, and dijon mustard make for a delicious homemade dressing that is perfect on...
A classic dish! Vibrant, sweet potato is whipped with coconut milk, brown sugar, and cinnamon into fluffy perfection and topped with crunchy, candied pecans. This...
Nutritious quinoa makes for a flavor-packed salad with anise-flavored fennel, savory rotisserie, and sweet grapes that is tossed with a honey-dijon dressing and finished with...
Perfectly seasoned baby potatoes are roasted with earthy, fresh rosemary to create a great side dish with minimal effort! WHAT’S NEW? I was the chef...