Chicken Pasta Primavera
One-Pot, Creamy Chicken Pasta Primavera made with lean chicken breast, spring veggies, and a light cream sauce. A delicious, high-protein dinner idea! Chicken Pasta Primavera...
One-Pot, Creamy Chicken Pasta Primavera made with lean chicken breast, spring veggies, and a light cream sauce. A delicious, high-protein dinner idea! Chicken Pasta Primavera...
Tons of flavor in this quick, anti-inflammatory turmeric garlic shrimp dish! The perfect balance of flavors – ready in under 30 minutes. Turmeric Garlic Shrimp...
Grilled Salmon Bruschetta with Avocado is my go-to summer recipe, it’s so easy, fresh and flavorful, a must try! Grilled Salmon Bruschetta Grilling salmon is...
A free 7-day, flexible weight loss meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas and a shopping list. All recipes include macros and Weight Watchers points. Free 7 Day Healthy Meal Plan (April 8-14)...
Looking for the best ways to use chickpeas? From falafel and hummus to salads and sheet pan dinners, these 15 Easy Chickpea Recipes will make...
You’ll love this faster and lighter Chicken Marbella. Chicken thighs are cooked on the stove-top with prunes, Spanish olives, capers, garlic and oregano for a...
In this One-Pot Chicken and Orzo recipe, crispy chicken thighs cook right on top of the orzo in a garlicky tomato sauce with basil. It’s...
Baby arugula salad is my go-to when I need a quick side salad recipe for fish, steak, chicken, or pork chops! Arugula Salad This healthy...
This quick and easy recipe for oven-roasted asparagus is the perfect spring side dish. This basic recipe can be seasoned many different ways—add lemon juice, garlic, or...
A free 7-day, flexible weight loss meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas and a shopping list. All recipes include macros and Weight Watchers points. Free 7 Day Healthy Meal Plan (April 1-7)...