Baked Honey-Mustard Ham
This easy, 4-ingredient Honey-Mustard Ham recipe is made with honey, Dijon mustard, and a touch of brown sugar on a baked spiral ham. Honey-Mustard Ham...
This easy, 4-ingredient Honey-Mustard Ham recipe is made with honey, Dijon mustard, and a touch of brown sugar on a baked spiral ham. Honey-Mustard Ham...
Made with mayo, dijon mustard, and paprika, these Classic Deviled Eggs are an easy and flavorful side dish or appetizer. They’re perfect for holidays like...
This low-carb Crustless Quiche is light and delicious, perfect for breakfast or brunch (or even a light dinner)! Made with leftover ham or ham steak,...
Spanish Tortilla is a layered potato, onion and egg open-faced omelet. Serve it as an appetizer, or main for breakfast/brunch or a light dinner. Spanish...
I love Corned Beef Hash with eggs for breakfast or brunch. Adding chopped veggies to the mix makes it even healthier! Corned Beef Veggie Hash...
This spring Green Shakshuka is a veggie-packed twist on the classic egg dish perfect to enjoy with crusty bread for breakfast/brunch, lunch or dinner. Green...
This healthy Slow Cooker Chicken and Lentil Soup is an easy slow cooker dump recipe. There’s no need to sauté anything, and it tastes delicious!...
This hearty chicken pot pie soup tastes just like chicken pot pie, only as a hearty soup. It’s packed with protein and veggies in every...
This Creamy Chicken Florentine is made with baby spinach in a light and creamy white sauce. It’s undeniably delicious! Chicken Florentine Chicken breast can be...
Don’t miss this lighter version of the trending “Marry Me Chicken” recipe. The same delicious creamy chicken with sundried tomatoes is made healthier with less...