
Slow Cooker Chicken and Lentil Soup
This healthy Slow Cooker Chicken and Lentil Soup is an easy slow cooker dump recipe. There’s no need to sauté anything, and it tastes delicious!...
This healthy Slow Cooker Chicken and Lentil Soup is an easy slow cooker dump recipe. There’s no need to sauté anything, and it tastes delicious!...
Easy Cranberry Chicken Salad on Apple Slices make a sweet, crunchy, protein-packed lunch! Cranberry Chicken Salad on Apple Slices If you love my chicken salad...
This cozy Butternut Squash Soup is sweetened with apple and seasoned with warming spices like ginger, cinnamon, and paprika. It’s made with coconut milk, so...
This Grapefruit-Ginger Kombucha Mocktail is easy to make, refreshing, and good for your gut! Grapefruit-Ginger Kombucha Mocktail Anyone doing a dry challenge or looking to...
Ring in the New Year, or enjoy them at any time of year, with this comforting Southern-style recipe for crockpot black-eyed peas with ham! Crockpot...
Crisp-tender Lemon Brussel Sprouts are light and bright, made with shaved brussels sprouts, broth, lemon juice, and zest. Just 5 ingredients! Lemon Shaved Brussel Sprouts...
Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes with Marshmallows are like personal sweet potato casseroles—the perfect Thanksgiving side dish! Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes with Marshmallows These Twice Baked...
This homemade Turkey Gravy from stock is my mom’s tried and true recipe. It’s a staple on our Thanksgiving table every year. Turkey Gravy Recipe...
There’s no denying that the secret to a memorable turkey gravy lies in its base: a rich, flavorful stock. Once you’ve made your own turkey...
Rich turkey stock and pureed roasted vegetables create a creamy low-carb turkey gravy without flour. Low-Carb Gravy Roasting turkey wings, neck, or parts along with...