One Pot Chicken and Orzo
In this One-Pot Chicken and Orzo recipe, crispy chicken thighs cook right on top of the orzo in a garlicky tomato sauce with basil. It’s...
In this One-Pot Chicken and Orzo recipe, crispy chicken thighs cook right on top of the orzo in a garlicky tomato sauce with basil. It’s...
This healthy Slow Cooker Chicken and Lentil Soup is an easy slow cooker dump recipe. There’s no need to sauté anything, and it tastes delicious!...
Easy Cranberry Chicken Salad on Apple Slices make a sweet, crunchy, protein-packed lunch! Cranberry Chicken Salad on Apple Slices If you love my chicken salad...
This hearty chicken pot pie soup tastes just like chicken pot pie, only as a hearty soup. It’s packed with protein and veggies in every...
This Creamy Chicken Florentine is made with baby spinach in a light and creamy white sauce. It’s undeniably delicious! Chicken Florentine Chicken breast can be...
This delicious white chicken chili is made with homemade tortilla strips, perfect for chilly days when you want a warm cozy meal. White Chicken Chili...
Creamy “Marry Me” Chicken Gnocchi Soup is made with chicken breast, sausage, spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, and pillowy soft gnocchi. Chicken Gnocchi Soup My Marry Me...
This easy, 5-ingredient Crock Pot Pasta Sauce made with chicken or turkey sausage is perfect for busy weeknights! Slow Cooker Pasta Sauce with Sausage On...
This healthier penne alla vodka with chicken is made with no heavy cream! Pureed roasted vegetables are my secret for a creamy vodka sauce that...
Don’t miss this lighter version of the trending “Marry Me Chicken” recipe. The same delicious creamy chicken with sundried tomatoes is made healthier with less...