Spanish Tortilla with Pimenton Aioli
Spanish Tortilla is a layered potato, onion and egg open-faced omelet. Serve it as an appetizer, or main for breakfast/brunch or a light dinner. Spanish...
Spanish Tortilla is a layered potato, onion and egg open-faced omelet. Serve it as an appetizer, or main for breakfast/brunch or a light dinner. Spanish...
Crispy Butter Beans are a healthy, high-fiber snack or appetizer made with a fresh and bright lemon-herb green sauce for dipping. They are so good,...
Crostini are fun, bite-sized appetizers made of little slices of toasted baguette and topped with whatever your heart desires. For this crostini recipe, I used...
These Cacio e Pepe Cheese Crisps are fun and fast to make for an easy, low- carb holiday appetizer with only three ingredients! Cacio e...
Make these Sugar Plum Baked Brie Bites with crescent dough, brie cheese, pecans, and sugar plum jam (or any jam you like) for an easy...
These Spinach-Artichoke Crostini are topped with a rich and creamy spread that is easy to assemble for a holiday appetizer! Spinach-Artichoke Crostini This Spinach-Artichoke Crostini...
The kids will love these homemade Mummy Hot Dogs made with turkey franks – a fun kid-friendly appetizer for Halloween! Mummy Hot Dogs Make mummy...